Update March 24, 2020
by Jayson Yardley, CEO, Avadyne Health
To Our Partners and Patients:
The COVID-19 /coronavirus has created a fluid and rapidly-changing environment around the world and certainly within the healthcare industry in the United States. While many industries are being negatively impacted with slow-downs and closures as a result of COVID-19 /coronavirus, the healthcare industry is being stressed with the challenge of rapidly-expanding demand. I’d like to share some of my thoughts about what we’re facing and how Avadyne Health (Avadyne) is responding.
Right now, our role as a patient financial experience company for self-pay resolution and bad debt recovery is rapidly shifting and we are striving to make the best decisions with two goals in mind: The first is to protect our employees and their families. The second is to do the best we can to serve the hundreds of health systems and thousands of patients who rely on us daily to answer questions about their healthcare payment and financial options.
Early on in the COVID-19 /coronavirus situation, Avadyne began preparing contingency plans for our response to the potential pandemic. Out of an abundance of caution and in adherence with evolving guidance provided by national and local authorities, Avadyne enacted a business recovery team and created a coronavirus preparedness project. This leadership is comprised of a cross-functional team from our executives, operations, technology, finance and human resources.
With our multiple locations, it was first critical to identify local office leaders for communications and to address local questions. We are practicing social distancing and have created an internal website for communications regarding this emergency and all future office communications. We eliminated business travel and are requiring any staff who traveled to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to an office. We also eliminated or greatly reduced anyone from entering our offices who is not an employee.
We are maximizing interpersonal space and practiced cleanings at all sites. We have asked all employees to be vigilant and prepare to take the most appropriate actions to support the health and well-being of themselves, our teams, our families, communities and our clients by staying home if ill and monitoring contact with anyone who has traveled, tested for or whom has the virus.
We have been expanding our remote work program in three phases: high-risk employees, critical roles, and now all employees will be remote working from home by March 27, with our offices in CA and IL by March 20 and 21 to adhere to each state’s stay-at-home orders. The good news is that our technological capability enables our team to work seamlessly from remote locations and do our part as a company to lower the curve and burden on the healthcare systems in the U.S.
The global spread of COVID-19 is affecting every one of us. As the situation continues to evolve, we want to assure you we are here to support you. During this period, we will be available to you as always. Your emails, phone calls, chats, mail and partner communications will be answered and our professionals will be working to meet your needs in all the ways you’ve come to expect from us.
We are sorry if you experience any delays and we appreciate your patience. These are unprecedented times that are rapidly evolving and we are doing everything we can to keep wait times low, help our healthcare partners with calls, and carry on with business, while first and foremost, maximizing protective working conditions for our team members.
All of our workers will continue to work and receive pay in alignment with business as usual operations. We have expanded our leave policies to accommodate personal and family health circumstances, including recovering from an illness, caring for a sick loved one, mandatory quarantining or childcare challenges due to school closures.
This extraordinary step is necessary to preserve the health of our team and help curtail the spread of the coronavirus, while upholding our commitment to you, our clients and patients.
It’s been inspiring to watch the speed and ingenuity with which many, our company included, are transitioning our lives to online, working remotely, and all doing our part to lower the curve to lessen the strain on the U.S. healthcare system. We are indebted to the heroic first responders, doctors, nurses, researchers, public health experts and public servants who are giving everything to help the world meet these vast, but surmountable, challenges.
My best wishes to you and your families as we navigate the challenges ahead, together.
Jayson Yardley, CEO
Avadyne Health